Thursday, September 23, 2010
*Gina & Darrell
Monday, September 20, 2010
*Soon to Come: More Temple Pictures
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
*Canvas Finish Picture Project
You will spray the board on the smooth side with the spray adhesive. Match the corner of the print to the corner of the masonite board and smooth your print over it. Use a popsicle stick or something similar to smooth out any bubbles. Be careful not to push too hard and scratch your print.
Take the Mod Podge and pour some in a paper plate or a paint tray liner. Take your paint roller and dip it in the Mod Podge getting a good coat on it but not too drippy. Roll the Mod Podge onto your picture just like you were painting a wall. You will need to go slowly because if you don't there is more of a possibility that the Mod Podge will bubble in the finish. You can do a few coats, but once the Mod Podge starts to dry, let it dry the rest of the way before you try to do another coat so you don't ruin the coat that is already there. When everything is dry, you can spray your picture with a matte finishing spray that you can find at Michael's, but it isn't necessary.
Now take your frame and sand any areas that may need sanding. You will now paint your frame the color you want. Be careful of wind and dust if you are spray painting outside. Use an even sweeping back and forth motion to spray paint. Don't spray too much in one area so you don't get an uneven look. If you are doing your project inside, you will probably not be spray painting, unless it is well ventilated. You can also use regular acrylic paint and use a paint brush to apply your paint.
I like glossy black paint, but choose whatever your preference is. Do as many coats as you want, letting each coat dry before you do your next coat or your paint will bubble. When you are happy with the painting job, let your frame dry.

Individual Prints
8x10................................$10.00 +shipping
11x14..............................$15.00 +shipping
16x20..............................$20.00 +shipping
20x30..............................$30.00 +shipping
Temple Print Packages (20) 8x10.........................$100.00 +shipping ($5.00 each) (20) 11x14.......................$200.00 +shipping ($10.00 each) (20)16x20........................$240.00 +shipping ($12.00 each) (20) 20x30........................$400.00+shipping ($20.00 each) Canvas Finish Temple Print with Frame
8x10................................$50.00 +shipping
11x14..............................$75.00 +shipping
16x20..............................$100.00 +shipping
Please contact me by phone or email with your orders, and I will get back to you with your total and order confirmation. I provide convenient payment through Paypal or checks through the mail. If you live in the St. George, Utah area, you can have the option to pick up your order or have it mailed.